

Throughout time, the Firm’s lawyers have proven a natural disposition towards catalyzing business transactions and taking opportunities in a constructive way.

Since its establishment, the Firm has constantly grown, soon becoming one of the top Romanian law firms in terms of turnover, market position and reputation.

Establishing the law firm

Firm’s principals, Daniel Voicu and Mugur Filipescu, established Voicu & Filipescu through the acquisition of the Romanian office of the international US based law firm of Arent Fox Kitner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC


The Firm constantly growing

Aiming to strengthen its market position and to develop its team, the Firm added two new associated partners in January 2006.


The firm continued its ascending path by taking over a part of Stefanica Dutu & Partners, another reputed Romanian law firm. In the same year, four new associated partners joined the team.

Integrating Steuer & Buchhaltung Partner

The Firm developed its tax practice by integrating the team of its long time business partner, the tax and accounting consultancy company Steuer & Buchhaltung Partner, member of the Romanian Tax Advisers Chamber, and appointing a tax partner.
Voicu & Filipescu Tax Advisers  became a recognized name amongst clients and specialists, providing tax consultancy and accounting services to companies active in a variety of industries.

Establishing VF Insolvency

In order to meet the diverse mix of companies’ specific needs, the Firm also founded V.F. Insolvenţă SPRL  with a team of experienced insolvency and restructuring practitioners. V.F. Insolvenţă SPRL  is a licensed member company of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners of Romania, while our firm’s associate practitioners are also members of Bucharest Bar. The insolvency and restructuring practice covers the complete range of situations where business catalysts are needed.

The Firm's 10th anniversary

2011 also marked the Firm’s 10th anniversary, event which was celebrated with clients and friends in a cultural venue in Bucharest city center.

A reputable brand

On the Firm’s 15th anniversary, the Firm is recognized as a reputable brand and an established player in the field, based upon the premium level services we provided for our long-time partners and for each new client.

The Firm's 20th anniversary

On its 20th anniversary, the Firm is mature, constantly expanding its expertise and currently being one of the most important Romanian full-service law firms. Its valuable expertise and wide portfolio of projects are constantly recognized and awarded by national and international research bodies such as Chambers & Partners, Legal500, IFLR 1000 among others.

Voicu & Filipescu changes its name in Voicu & Asociații

The Firm changed its name in Voicu & Asociații keeping its own identity and core values, further challenging itself to exceed clients’ expectations by exceptional quality standards. Also, Voicu & Filipescu Tax Advisers becomes Voicu Financial & Tax Advisers.

Our Values

We believe that our open-minded-ness, as well as creative and flexible thinking represent a straight way to success. Whenever challenged by unprecedented situations, we search for key answers and we strive to find the best solutions, even if this means making the impossible possible.

Constructive spirit
It implies action rather than reaction. Initiative is our second nature when it comes to our clients’ results. This is why, with every action, we always think about the most effective ways to build and develop our clients’ business.

Long-term relationship
Our client’s success is directly linked to our success and this is the way we build constructive trust. We listen to our clients even more than they expect and we faithfully cherish their business vision, because this is the only possible way to provide them with the highest quality legal advice, that not only addresses momentary needs, but sustains their business over years.





Voicu & Asociații believes in the importance of involvement in the community, on both social and legal levels. We support projects that cover a wide range of social areas, by providing pro bono legal services and donations, making financial contributions in order to support education, non-profit organizations, cultural initiatives and events.

Our team supports the development of young professionals in the legal field, by organizing internships, hiring and retention practices and by providing an environment conducive to building careers, from the benches of the university onwards. Our experienced attorneys participate as speakers in various education-focused events organized by education institutions.

Our Firm has consistently partnered with different non-profit organizations to help underprivileged individuals and communities. The firm’s attorneys and staff will provide pro-bono services and hands-on assistance to non-profit entities working to improve the lives of the less fortunate.

Throughout our day to day operations we are permanently concerned with the environment and we try to reduce our impact by encouraging recycling, saving energy and reducing waste.